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Quick Tips:

Check this page often as we will continue to add to it.

7/15/21 Notes & Suggestions:

1. New email address for Sylmar Home Storage Center is:

2. To get on Debbie Kent's email list, email with your name, city, and state that you are from. Ask to be added to her email list in order to get updates about her amazing virtual classes that she often holds monthly. Seriously, her wealth of knowledge and the time she takes to prepare and share is an amazing resource for us to have free access to. 

3. Inflation, rising food prices, drought conditions, shockingly high gas prices, supply shortages, and supply chain disruptions are hard to miss these days. If you haven't noticed, it means you need to pay closer attention. Please take action to adapt your lifestyle to be able to handle current and future conditions as we continue to face repercussions from the pandemic and other unfortunate things going on around the world that trickle down to affect all of us. Stay in tune with the Spirit and then act on your promptings.  

Notes from most recent 2/17/21 Zoom discussion:

1. Train yourself to scream so that you don't freeze when screaming could save your life. 

2. Police response time is currently around an average of 7 minutes for Castaic, CA. A lot can happen in 7 minutes so be prepared to defend yourself. If there was a widespread emergency, I imagine the response time would be much longer or non-existent. Remember that YOU are your own first response.

3. Police have been significantly defunded. Criminals are becoming more emboldened and crime is skyrocketing. Secure your home and vehicles. Stay alert to your surroundings. Don't dismiss your intuition if something or someone doesn't seem right. 

4. "Shotguns are a great deterrent." :) Learn how to defend yourself appropriately and responsibly, however that may be. Of course the best defense is to stay in tune with the Holy Ghost, listen and then act on promptings.  

5. Consider security systems like Nest IQ, Ring Doorbell cameras, or dash cameras. 

6. Non-Emergency phone number for SCV Sheriff's office is 661-255-1121

7. Follow SCV Emergency Now FB group to stay in the loop of local emergencies.

8. "Totally Ready" FB page or has useful information.

9. Log on to your church account and print out a copy of our ward contact list for use in case of an emergency. Add to your binder. Remember that when emergencies happen, the internet often wont be available to look up resources or contacts.

10. Make sure you make a hard copy of any contacts you don't want to lose in case something were to happen to your phone.  


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Recommended Links:

Check this post often as it will continually be updated with new recommendations.  The links are just to help you get started with figuring out what a product is and where to maybe find it. The links may not always be the cheapest option so it's good to shop around online.  Keep in mind that if you invest time in watching for good deals, you can often find products on sale, especially around holidays. However, follow your feelings because if you procrastinate too long, you might find yourself having regrets later on if something happens and certain things become unavailable or overpriced due to increased demand.  Sign up for Sylmar Home Storage email list by emailing General Food Storage and Emergency Preparedness websites: